​​Excellence  Integrity  Professionalism

Core Standards Verification 

2nd Edition

(Established June 2016)

The Wisconsin Law Enforcement Accreditation Group (WILEAG) has identified 49 CORE standards from within the 242 5th Edition standards in its ACCREDITATION PROGRAM.  These 49 select standards and the associated agency policies are at the heart of the program.  They are focused on:

  • Key Federal & State statutory mandates related to law enforcement
  • Requirements arising from case law
  • Inherent issues related to high risk law enforcement operations
  • Sensitive areas involving community relations

The program serves 2 purposes for agencies that successfully participate:

  • It provides independent verification that the agency is meeting minimum expectations in essential areas of operations and management.
  • It serves as a stepping stone to full accreditation for those agencies that aspire to that level of professional excellence.

Successful agencies, their employees, affiliates and constituents will have the peace of mind that comes with independent verification that their policies and practices in the essential (core) areas of operations and management meet minimum standards.

The program is designed to serve smaller Wisconsin law enforcement agencies. It will be available to agencies serving Fourth Class Cities (cities, villages and towns under 10,000 population) and sheriff’s offices serving counties with a county population of 30,000 or less.   In addition - effective January 1, 2017 any law enforcement agency who exceeds the established population thresholds, may enroll in the Core Standards Verification Program contingent upon their agreement to pursue full accreditation during the 3 year period following initial verification.

For more information select one of the following links:

Core Standards Verification Program - Brochure

1st Edition: Core Standards Verification Manual - Established February 2014
1st Edition: Core Standards  Verification Program - Resource Guide
1st Edition: Core Standards Verification Program  - Proof Table

1st Edition: Core Standards Verification Program - Program Description PowerPoint

2nd Edition: Core Standards Verification Manual - Established June 2016

2nd Edition: Core Standards Verification Program - Crossover Guide

2nd Edition: Core Standards Verification Program - Quick Reference Table
2nd Edition: Core Standards  Verification Program - Resource Guide
​2nd Edition: Core Standards Verification Program - Core Program Manual - 2nd Edition 

wisconsin law enforcement accreditation group